Sunday, June 3, 2012

Ok, so I just want to apologize for neglecting my blog for the last few weeks. I am sorry. I have been super busy.... I got a new job, went on vacation and even met my 5k goal! Yay, I am so proud of myself and all the work that I have done. My time for my 5k wasn't amazing, nut it was respectable for my first real 5k and I averaged 11:36 seconds per mile. I am very happy with the results.

I am the smallest I have been in years. I am officially in a size medium, both top and bottom and I lost an entire shoe size! I have more energy than I can remember having in a very, very long time and I am so excited to actually WANT to exercise. So, you may be wondering what the next step for me is, well I am gonna keep going. I am about 25 - 30 pounds from my final goal weight. I have lost roughly 60 pounds since January and there is no way that I am going to stop now!

Today is my day 1 of week 1 in a new 10 week system. For this leg of my exercise journey I have enlisted my friend Katie as my running partner. She was motivated by my success and had started her own weight loss journey and asked if I would let her partner with me. I was so happy to have her! So, this second part of my exercise journey will be a lot less complex than the last segment, but it will not be easier.

I will be doing a 10k training program that will require me to do varying length runs 4 days a week. The last part of my system will be doing the INSANITY work out. This is 6 days a week and is gonna kick my trash. But I am serious about wanting to get rid of the last 30 pounds and why shouldn't I get totally ripped at the same time? So here I go again, heading straight into another grueling training system. Why do I keep doing this to myself? Oh yeah, because I Am Worth It!!!!


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