Monday, April 30, 2012

Week 6 Weigh and Measure

This last week I have passed a few milestones. I finished a 20 minute straight run without dying which is great because I had never done more than 8 minutes at a time. Then, today, Charlie and I went this morning to Zion National Park and did an almost 9 mile hike in about 4 hours. During the hike we climbed 5835 feet in elevation and on the way back down we ran for the last 2 miles. My totals this week were pretty good. I lost 3.75 inches and 1.2 pounds. WooHoo! TTFN, Jenn


  1. Awesome! What is your total weight and inch loss so far?

  2. I have lost about 51 1/2 pounds and 44 inches since January. That was a good question Denise, I actually hadn't looked at my total inches yet. :)
